Sample source code license agreement
Sample source code license agreement

Open source code often comes with the benefit of tapping into a community of developers. Some common examples of open source licences include Australian Creative Commons licences and the GNU General Public License.


Open source software is mostly made available free of charge, though this does not need to be the case, depending on the definition adopted and the specific open source licence used. One of the key elements to open source licences is that any changes, improvements or adaptations to the code base must themselves become subject to the same open source licence. However, generally for software to qualify as open source, users must be able to freely (in relation to rights, not payment) copy, study, adapt, improve and distribute the source code of the software. There are a few competing definitions for ‘open source software’. Open source: Open source software is a form of licensing scheme where the source code is publicly available with relaxed or no restrictions on use or modification. Any use of code or libraries must be in accordance with the licence agreement, even if the code was made available with or without payment. Licensed: This is generally subject to a third-party licence agreement.

sample source code license agreement

As the software developer owns the code or libraries, it can be used and licensed as they wish. Newly developed: where code is written from scratch for the software product, or is otherwise owned the software developer. Each will have its own important considerations: The way developers make use of existing code and libraries can take a few forms.

sample source code license agreement

It is rare for any software product to be entirely developed from scratch.

Sample source code license agreement